Get ready to step into the dark side of the internet with our list of 11 biggest hackers the world has ever known. These guys went beyond using the internet and computers to read the news or hang on Facebook.
Nowadays, the term hacker has become a synonym for anyone who has an extensive knowledge of computers, computer systems, network securities, etc. But, a while ago, the hacker was a person who used its skills to bypass or crack the security of a website or a server and gain access to data he didn’t suppose to.
Over time, different types of hackers started appearing. We already talked about it in our article on 7 biggest hacks of all time. Hackers who use their knowledge for their own benefits are called black hat hackers or crackers. The ones that use their knowledge for non–malicious purposes and are not breaking the law are called white hat hackers. There are also gray hat hackers who are somewhere in-between. They do break the law with their actions, but are not keen on gaining any benefits from that.
To compile our list of 11 biggest hackers the world has ever known, we looked at the lists made by various tech-based magazines like Kaspersky, Hacked and Tech Worm among others. We checked the names that were featured on almost all the lists and put them on our own. Note that we didn’t take in consideration groups like Anonymous. Let’s get started then.