As a gamer and a zombie aficionado, it pays to know what the 11 best zombie video games of all time are. Recent years have seen the rise of the zombie culture, where we see a zombie related media releasing in hordes. In the past few years, films, television series, and video games have all been getting life because of the undead menace.
A lot of us are used to the modern take on zombies popularized by filmmaker George Romero. This form of zombie is created by a virus or some sort of microorganism that can take control of a body post-mortem. This body retains its basic instincts and also relies on the virus’ base desire, to propagate itself. Hence, the zombie is always bound to feed and infect others, mostly driven by its new viral host.

Chepko Danil Vitalevich/
Of course, much like any form of media, only a few zombie video games stand out among the thousands that have been released. It’s not surprising since video games can earn a company a lot of money if done right. However, some resort to unusual tactics such as selling expensive virtual items through their games, as seen in our list of 11 most expensive virtual items in video games. How do we determine the best zombie video game? While opinions may vary depending on each individual, we can use certain metrics to give us a measured take on the best zombie video games of all time.
The first metric we’ve decided to use is Units Sold, a standard measure of how successful video games are. The more units they sell, the more money the video game company makes. While video game companies tend to release sales figures separately, we have video game websites such as Gamespot to compile all the information for us. Capcom, one of the biggest video game publishers, also released figures on its many zombie-related video games. Games that are available via the platform Steam also have websites such as Steam Spy which tracks numbers and statistics.
The second metric is an overall video game rating. There are hundreds of reviews per game available, but thankfully we have the website Metacritic to gather all of the information. Metacritic does calculations and weighs the overall rating of a video game based on the rating of reviewers online. The ratings vary depending on how influential a critic or a video game website is, giving us the closest we can get to rating accuracy. If multiple ratings are available, then we take the average of all those ratings. Now that we’ve established that, let’s head on to our list of 11 best zombie video games of all time: