11 Best Serbian Soccer Players of All Time

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3. Todor Veselinović

Toza is the only player on the list which didn’t play for either of the Belgrade arch rivals; not counting pre-1945 period when Red Star and Partizan didn’t exist. At least Veselinović didn’t play for any of them voluntarily. He was forced to spend a season in Partizan during his mandatory military service since this was the army club at the time. However, even though threatened by army’s high command, Toza returned to his first love, Vojvodina football club from his city of birth, Novi Sad. He has scored 130 goals in 192 games for Vojvodina, and his clinical finishing was proven by his national team numbers as well where he has scored 28 goals in 37 matches for Yugoslavia. This makes him Yugoslavia’s best goalscorer of all times, percentage-wise. His only downside as a player was his love for pigeons. As an amateur pigeon domesticator, he would often remain petrified upon the pitch while the birds were flying over the stadium. At that point, he didn’t care at all about what was happening on the field.

Paolo Bona / Shutterstock.com

Paolo Bona / Shutterstock.com

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