11 Best Science YouTube Channels To Watch

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Subscribers: 5,931,038
Views: 665,636,048
Created by: Mitchell Moffit & Gregory Brown

Remember the last year viral meme, known as ‘’The dress’’? In case you didn’t come to an agreement with your surroundings, whether The Dress is black and blue or white and gold, Mitch and Greg resolved the mystery for you. So, next  Saturday night when you gather your friends, check out the first of our 11 best science YouTube channels to watch, watch the video and join the 20 million others who already know the truth. Moreover, this Canadian open gay couple will give you solutions for some of the ’’weirdest questions, most persistent rumors, and unexplained phenomena ‘’ on a weekly basis. And for all of you with doomsday phobias, Mitch and Greg’s guest, Bill Nye might know how to stop an asteroid. If you are more into reading than listening and watching, their book titled same as YouTube channel is The New York Times bestseller for the year 2015. From now on, your life will be easier, because these guys are having solutions for all those things that bug you every day, just a few clicks away.

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