11 Best Science YouTube Channels To Watch

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2. MinutePhysics (2011)

Subscribers: 3,620,713
Views: 298,641,809
Created by: Henry Reich

MinutePhysics ranks second in our list of the best science YouTube channels to watch. Ready to fall in love with Physics? ‘’No way!’’ is what the most would say, including me, since vast majority still gets the shivers when remembering all those high school physics assignments. After all, not everyone is Dr. Sheldon Cooper. However, this science YouTube channel is everything that a layman needs because it reflects the well known Einstein’s thought “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” Speaking of simple – videos are a combination of time-lapse drawings and a narrator who ‘speak human’, thus transforming physics to an ‘easy reading’ to us mortals in just a few minutes. So, understand what gravity is, without apple falling on your head. Also, if you are sick and tired of people calling you a nerd because of your thick glasses, Henry can make you see again – with a little trick, though. And you girls, we’re sorry, but he has scientific proof that pink is not actually a color.

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