Pay attention to this list, since it will bring you 11 best productivity tools for teachers.
If you are a teacher or if you aspire to become one in the future, you probably want to know what are the best teacher productivity sites. Generally speaking, productivity tools are applications or sites specifically designed to produce presentations, documents, databases, charts, graphs, music, videos and many other things to make everyday tasks easier. We live in the age of technology, and it would definitely be a shame if we don’t use it whenever possible, even in classrooms. To start with the basic explanation, productivity tools definition would sound something like this; tools for increasing teachers’ productivity, being designed also to make students more involved in the teaching and learning process. So, the tools are not just for teachers, but can also be regarded as productivity tools for students, since they increase their performance and help them in their learning process. Generally speaking, technology helps us organize everything better, so if you are a user of Apple’s smartphones, check out our list of 9 Best Productivity Apps for iOS.

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New technologies for teachers develop according to the needs of the both students and teachers, and no matter how hard it looks like to keep pace with all the innovative things, some tools can undoubtedly help you express your creative side and improve your teaching. There are some awesome productivity apps for modern teachers and don’t look at them just as an additional burden to your lesson planning, but completely opposite, as something that can help you release the burden and reduce the amount of your job. For example, some productivity tools for tech-savvy teachers, those who know a lot about modern technology and use it all the time, can help teachers organize their time better and finish their tasks, leaving a little bit more time for some rest and leisure activities. These tools can help you create your schedule, share documents and power points with your students, make folders where anyone can contribute with their notes, images, files, and lists. All in all, benefits of using productivity tools are numerous, and the right time to start using them is now. Among all, student productivity is probably the most critical during the college time, since they want to focus on so many things, being the reason why there are some tech tools for college students, and LifeHack provided an amazing article related to them.
As the school year begins after a long summer holiday, the topic regarding free tech tools for teachers is more relevant than ever. In order to make the list, I was surfing the Internet and I was honestly surprised by the number of possibilities that the development of technology offers. Some websites like Teach Thought, Brilliant or Insane, Cult of Pedagogy, and Educational App Store offered a number of possibilities regarding the tools for increasing teachers’ productivity. Tech – savvy teachers were also discussing the possibilities on Quora, so I learned a lot from there as well. I gathered the useful information from all of these sites and many others and made the final classification paying attention to those tools that were mentioned most and given a lot of credit to, being marked as useful and life-changing. The ranking was made according to the ranks of these applications on various sites, such as App Store, PCMag, Chrome, EdSurge, Glassdoor, and Expert Reviews. It was impossible to find the ranks on one website, but since all of the apps are usually highly ranked, I don’t think this is a big deal. Eventually, whichever you try from the list, you will be satisfied.
Begin a new school year like a boss with our list of 11 best productivity tools for teachers.