11 Best Political Documentaries on Netflix Streaming

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6. Let the Fire Burn

Site Score: 5, IMDb Score: 8 Overall Score: 13
Directed by Jason Osder
Year: 2013

Jason Osder’s film deals with the events leading to the siege of Black liberation organization MOVE by the Philadelphia police in 1985. Police made a highly controversial decision to subdue MOVE members by using explosives, which caused a fire. Police officials decided to “let the fire burn”, a decision that caused more than 60 surrounding homes to be destroyed and deaths of 5 children and 6 adults. All this mayhem was caused by a dispute about local politics and enforcing city codes about health and hygiene if you believe Philadelphia city officials. Osder shows us the underlying reasons for police intervention that left 11 people dead and half of a city block in smoldering ruins.

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