11 Best Places to Retire in Denver

9. Boulder

Score: 13

Average commute time: 19.15

Median home price: $471,300

Cost of living index: 155.1

Doctors per 100K: 363

Rated as one of the best top small cities in the world, Boulder is near Denver, to the northwest. If you’re into doing a lot of walking, then this is a perfect place. There are also plenty of other places to visit if you enjoy art and architecture, especially since there are plenty of historic buildings to check out. There are also hundreds of restaurants and entertainment options for when you’re feeling bored. Aside from the awesome view of the Flatirons, there are parks to enjoy and trails to hike if you want to spend some time in nature.

The median home price in the area is a bit steep, north of $471,000. The cost of living here is also quite high, with the index sitting at 155.1. On the other hand, the average commute time is short and there are plenty of doctors to take care of you if you’re in need of it.

Best Places to Retire in Denver

Gtj82 at English Wikipedia