Medical benefits can be hard to come by, especially when you’re working a part-time job, which is why this list of the 11 best part-time jobs with medical benefits will be your guiding light if you’re job hunting and need insurance.
Part-time jobs have come a long way. In the past, most companies didn’t offer benefits or perks. Recently, a lot of American companies have taken initiative to not only attract and retain employees but make them feel welcome and give them access to resources. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 19 percent of part-time workers have access to medical benefits in the US, whereas 88 percent of full-time workers have access, despite the fact that millions of Americans work part-time. This leaves a large section of the population to fend for themselves for insurance.
Per the Affordable Care Act, children can retain their parent’s health insurance up until they’re 26. This is great for getting you through college if your parents are fortunate enough to have great insurance, but time moves quickly, and suddenly you’re on your own and uninsured. Not everyone works a full-time, salaried job with benefits at 26. Maybe you’re a freelancer, and you want to work something on the side, or your passion is elsewhere, but you need to make money. Insurance is very important and actually required. It’s much easier to get it through an employer than deal with the faff of sorting it out on your own. I can’t understand insurance language, and I don’t even know if anyone else can either, but when you have three things to choose from it’s much more simplified.
If you’re on the hunt for a part-time job that will give you the benefits you deserve and need, the jobs listed here will be great to consider. We took a look at a few credible sources to create this list, like MoneyCrashers, Out of Your Rut, PT Money, and Fortune. If you see an opening for a position listed here, go apply knowing you’ll be eligible for medical benefits even as a part-time employee. You have to work at least 20 hours a week to qualify, but it’ll be well worth it when you can go to the doctor’s office without having a panic attack at the cost.
Moms should take a look at our list of 12 Well-Paying Part-Time Jobs for Moms for a more individualized look at the job search, but keep looking here on this list of best part-time jobs with medical benefits, for your medical benefits guide:
11. Whole Foods
I consider Whole Foods as the meeting place for people wearing Lululemon even though they didn’t go to the gym that day and buying organic produce. However, it’s one of my favorite places to go because the atmosphere makes me feel quite calm and posh. If you’re into the natural and organic food industry, you can’t go wrong here. You also get to rock a cool apron for your shift. The part-time workforce here is as big as 25,000 and the company offers a full medical, dental, and vision package to employees as soon as they accumulate 800 work hours and work at least 20 hours per week. Management does, however, reserve the right to rescind them at any time since they’re not set in the employee contract. The exact details of benefits haven’t been made public, but you can check out more information about them online.
10. REI
Under the REI Flex Plan, every full-time and part-time employee has health care coverage as long as they work at least 20 hours per week. You’re given the opportunity to choose from several plans for yourself and dependents. This is a generous offer considering the market condition for part-time employees.
9. SunTrust Bank
Part-time employees here are eligible for medical benefits. There are several plans to choose from, including, but not limited to, HMO, PPO, AND HSA. They also offer prescription drug coverage with each plan, which is great if you have a lot of health concerns.
8. Costco
Costco, one of the best part-time jobs with medical benefits, is the country’s second-largest retailer. There are about 700 warehouse stores that employ well over 100,000 employees. Working as an employee, even part-time, can entail you to a lot of benefits, including health care and more.
7. Lowe’s
As one of the largest home improvement shops in the world, they naturally wish to sustain their growth and performance. They offer generous health care benefits to all employees.
6. UPS
UPS is a great company regarding employee benefits. It offers the same benefits to part-time employees as it does to full-time. They aren’t just limited to health care either, you can choose from a variety of options and packages.
5. Safeway
Safeway offers health benefits to all part-time employees. This depends largely on the store location, though, so it’s best to refer to their employee benefits page to check out what locations you should apply to.
4. DCU
Next on our list of best part-time jobs with medical benefits is Digital Federal Credit Union that is based in Marlborough, Massachusetts and has a very lucrative health care plan for part-time employees. If you live in the vicinity, give this a look. I wouldn’t be surprised if other credit unions offered something similar.
3. Delta Airlines
Delta, the third among the other best part-time jobs with medical benefits on the list offers health care benefits to not only part-time employees but their dependents as well. There are three different plans that depend on your location, which you can take a look at on their website.
2. Starbucks
As a Starbucks employee, you get free drinks and discounts on the things you already love, which is a benefit enough in itself. However, it will also entail you to healthcare benefits offered by the company. There are over 16,000 Starbucks locations around the world and they hire quite frequently.
1. McDonald’s
When it comes to part-time jobs, nothing comes close to McDonald’s and its army of employees who get your order quickly and as accurately as possible. It’s estimated that about 80 percent of employees at the company-owners restaurants across the world are weekly-paid, part-time workers. Even though the pay is relatively low in a lot of places, you can make up for it with the benefit of knowing health is covered for the overwhelming majority of part-time workers.
That concludes our list of the 11 best part-time jobs with medical benefits. Now that you’re done reading, you can go apply to one or all of them and get started filling out your HR forms!