9. Lower East Side, Manhattan
Cost of Living Index: 137
Average Home Prices: $1,225,000
Crime Rate (Estimated value per 100k people): 2,263
If you know you’ll want to invest in your home, as in sell it when the kids are old enough to move out – investigate a home in Lower East Side. Home resale values are highest here, and there is also high-quality internet access, now a requirement for anyone in school. There are a number of great parks: East River, Tompkins Square, Seward and an Olympic-sized public pool on Houston Street. Family time can be enjoyed over hearty meals – this neighborhood is among the best New York neighborhoods to live in with families and kids because offers a wide variety of eating out options from Ukrainian to Italian to Indian on East 6th Street. You won’t be able to resist. Be aware that this is also a neighborhood filled with trendy nightlife offerings – so you may have to battle a weekend crowd.

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