11 Best Nature Documentaries on Netflix Streaming

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If you enjoy the wildlife, untouched nature, and stunning landscapes, you’ve come to the right place, as we present you best nature documentaries on Netflix streaming in 2015.

Talking about nature documentaries would be pretty pointless without mentioning some of the greatest contributors (some would say founders) of the genre. Naturally, we are talking about BBC and their narrators, notably Sir David Attenborough. BBC, especially their Natural History Unit, is responsible for full 7 out of 11 nature documentaries on our list. While you are streaming them on Netflix, remember, to say thanks to people working in BBC Natural History Unit that made it possible for you to enjoy their wonderful programs.

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Maggy Meyer/Shutterstock.com

If nature is too mundane for you, you can check out some of the best serial killers documentaries on Netflix.

To rank best nature documentaries on Netflix streaming in 2015, we had to devise a system. Going simply by IMDb rating just wouldn’t cut it, although we did include it in our final ranking. We also went over a dozen lists on most popular sites in order to get an accurate feel for vox populi. We mixed it all together and came up with a genuine Insider Monkey ranking. Let’s see who made it to our list of 11 best nature documentaries on Netflix streaming in 2015.

11. Mysteries of the Unseen World

Site Score: 1, IMDb Score 1; Overall Score: 2 points
Directed by Louie Schwartzberg
Year: 2013

We are surrounded by things and events that are too small, too slow, or too fast for our senses to register them. Still, they play an important part in both our lives and in the life of the planet. The microscopic world is finally revealed to us in National Geographic’s Mysteries of the Unseen World. After watching this movie, you will never see things the same, although some would argue that it isn’t necessarily a good thing. Some things (a close up of a flea comes to mind) can’t be unseen. The use of high-definition and high-speed cameras provides for some stunning visual treats.

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