4. Restrepo
Site score: 7, IMDb score: 7 Overall score: 14
Directed by Tim Hetherington and Sebastian Junger
Year: 2010
In 2007, Korengal Valley of northeast Afghanistan was considered the deadliest place on Earth. Junger and Hetherington spent it with the American soldiers stationed in Combat Outpost (OP) Restrepo. Named so after the PFC Juan Sebastián Restrepo, a medic who was killed in action, OP Restrepo is a vital position on the front line of the Afghanistan war. The films show their everyday life, confined within the walls of their little compound, as well as frequent patrols into the surrounding areas, often under the enemy fire. The film was awarded Grand Jury Prize in 2010 Sundance film Festival, as well as the nomination for the 2010 Academy Award for Best Documentary.