Whether you are a history freak or you like to watch a good documentary now and then, we made you a list of best history documentaries on Amazon Prime right now.
One might say that Amazon’s idea of ’historical documentary’ is a little bit wider than expected, but what is unquestionable is the variety and quality of the documentaries offered on Amazon Prime right now! Since we’re talking about first class documentaries, you might want to check out our list of 11 best serial killer documentaries on Netflix streaming in 2015, as well.

So, venture outside the boundaries of everyday life and take a peek into the past! While taking a tour through the centuries, discover various pathways of life and figure out the importance that history has in the process of understanding the world around us.
To make an authentic list of historical documentaries worth watching we ranked them according to our well-established system. By combining an IMDb rating with average rate obtained from various review websites, we get the overall score. At the end we put documentaries in the right order, and voilà!
11. Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire
Site score 8.6, IMDb score 7.6; Overall score=8.1
Directed by Lyn Goldfarb
Year: 2004
Are you ready for two and a half hours of an attention-grabbing tale about fearless shoguns, honorable samurai, and the Bushido Code? If you are, prepare yourself to be seduced by exotic geisha as you enter the world of Japanese Secret Empire! Extraordinary PBS’s 3 part miniseries take you on the exciting journey through the centuries! You have a chance to witness a rise and 250-year rule of the Tokugawa dynasty and period of Japanese ’Renaissance’.
10. Trouble the Water
Site score 9, IMDb score 7.4; Overall score=8.2
Directed by Carl Deal, Tia Lessin, and others
Year: 2008
Speaking of Hurricane Matthew, that is in the spotlight these days, we present you the eye-opening documentary about Katrina survivors, young rap artist Kim Roberts and her husband Scott, who remained in New Orleans during the storm. Carl Deal and Tia Lessin are trying to understand the aftermath of the storm, as well as to point out mistakes and omissions that the government made in response to this catastrophic circumstance.