11 Best Health Documentaries on Netflix Streaming

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8. Super Size Me

Site rank 5, IMDb rank 4; Overal rank = 9
Directed by Morgan Spurlock
Year: 2004

From February 1 to March 2, 2003, Morgan Spurlock only source of food was McDonalds. In those 30 days, he gained 24 pounds, increased his cholesterol levels, and obtained fat liver and experienced depression and sexual dysfunction. It took him 14 months on a strict vegan diet to go back to the weight he had prior to starting the experiment. His critics claim that his health deterioration is a logical conclusion of his diet, consisting of more than 5,000 calories daily, paired with the lack of exercise. Spurlock told us what we already know, that fast food in excess is bad for you. Still, his film is a funny and entertaining and definitely worth a watch.

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