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Hedge Funds



11 Best Gas Stocks To Buy Now

In this article, we discuss 11 best gas stocks to buy now. If you want to see more stocks in this selection, check out 5 Best Gas Stocks To Buy Now

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has accelerated the shortage of natural gas, further hiking up prices for consumers and businesses alike. This resulted in the use of alternative fuels and demand destruction. It also creates longer-term unpredictably in the natural gas market, especially in emerging nations where it used to play a primary role in energy transitions. According to the International Energy Agency, the Asia Pacific region and the industrial sector are the core drivers of growth in the natural gas market, accounting for 50% and 60% of the growth to 2025, respectively. However, the Asia Pacific region will be subject to high risk from rising prices and slow economic growth.

As per IEA data, gas production in North America rose by 2.1% in 2021 although there was limited capital expenditure in the US upstream sector, driven by higher domestic and export demand. Per IEA’s estimates, North America holds a leading position in the intermediate-term in the global growth of natural gas supply, with nearly 85 bcm added between 2021 and 2025. The region represents nearly 40% of the net increase in production capacity and over half of the worldwide net production growth during 2021 and 2025. 

Some of the best gas stocks to invest in include ConocoPhillips (NYSE:COP), Devon Energy Corporation (NYSE:DVN), and Marathon Petroleum Corporation (NYSE:MPC). 

Our Methodology 

We selected the following gas stocks based on positive analyst coverage, strong business fundamentals, and solidity of dividend profiles. We have assessed the hedge fund sentiment from Insider Monkey’s database of 920 elite hedge funds tracked as of the end of the third quarter of 2022. 

Photo by Max Bender on Unsplash

Best Gas Stocks To Buy Now

11. BP p.l.c. (NYSE:BP)

Number of Hedge Fund Holders: 25

BP p.l.c. (NYSE:BP) is a London-based energy company that operates through Gas & Low Carbon Energy, Oil Production & Operations, Customers & Products, and Rosneft segments. On November 1, BP p.l.c. (NYSE:BP) declared a dividend of $0.36036 per ADS, payable on December 16 to shareholders of record on November 11. BP p.l.c. (NYSE:BP)’s dividend yield on November 28 came in at 4.09%. 

Citi analyst Alastair Syme upgraded BP p.l.c. (NYSE:BP) on November 22 to Buy from Neutral with a 540 GBp price target. The analyst said the market rotation into energy stocks still has room to run. Energy equities usually outperform in an earnings recession, which is Citi’s primary scenario for 2023. He believes BP p.l.c. (NYSE:BP) has the potential to perform well due to its fundamental growth and favorable valuation.

According to Insider Monkey’s Q3 data, 25 hedge funds were bullish on BP p.l.c. (NYSE:BP), compared to 27 funds in the prior quarter. Peter Rathjens, Bruce Clarke, and John Campbell’s Arrowstreet Capital held the largest position in the company, comprising 27 million shares worth $772.5 million. 

Like ConocoPhillips (NYSE:COP), Devon Energy Corporation (NYSE:DVN), and Marathon Petroleum Corporation (NYSE:MPC), BP p.l.c. (NYSE:BP) is one of the best energy stocks to monitor. 

10. Hess Corporation (NYSE:HES)

Number of Hedge Fund Holders: 33

Hess Corporation (NYSE:HES) is a New York-based exploration and production company that explores, develops, produces, and transports crude oil, natural gas liquids, and natural gas. It is one of the best energy stocks to monitor. On October 26, Hess Corporation (NYSE:HES) reported a Q3 non-GAAP EPS of $1.89, in-line with market estimates. The revenue of $3.16 billion increased 74.6% year-over-year, topping analysts’ estimates by $250 million. 

Citi analyst Scott Gruber on November 22 raised the price target on Hess Corporation (NYSE:HES) to $155 from $130 and kept a Neutral rating on the shares following the Q3 results.

According to Insider Monkey’s third quarter database, 33 hedge funds were bullish on Hess Corporation (NYSE:HES), compared to 35 funds in the prior quarter. Ken Fisher’s Fisher Asset Management is the largest stakeholder of the company, with 4.6 million shares worth $500.80 million. 

9. Phillips 66 (NYSE:PSX)

Number of Hedge Fund Holders: 34

Phillips 66 (NYSE:PSX) is an energy manufacturing and logistics company that operates through four segments – Midstream, Chemicals, Refining, and Marketing and Specialties. Phillips 66 (NYSE:PSX) is one of the top energy stocks to monitor. On November 9, the company announced that it plans to return an additional $10 billion-$12 billion to shareholders by the end of 2024 through a combination of dividends and share repurchases. 

On November 9, investment advisory Piper Sandler raised the firm’s price target on Phillips 66 (NYSE:PSX) to $155 from $116 and kept an Overweight rating on the shares. Analyst Ryan Todd issued the ratings update. 

According to Insider Monkey’s data, 34 hedge funds were bullish on Phillips 66 (NYSE:PSX) at the end of September 2022, compared to 38 funds in the last quarter. D E Shaw is the largest stakeholder of the company, with 3.10 million shares worth $250.3 million. 

8. Shell plc (NYSE:SHEL)

Number of Hedge Fund Holders: 39

Shell plc (NYSE:SHEL) is a London-based energy and petrochemical company operating in Europe, Asia, Oceania, Africa, the United States, and the rest of the Americas. The company runs through Integrated Gas, Upstream, Marketing, Chemicals and Products, and Renewables and Energy Solutions segments. Shell plc (NYSE:SHEL) is one of the premier energy stocks to consider. 

On October 27, Shell plc (NYSE:SHEL) declared a $0.50 per ADS quarterly dividend, in line with previous. The dividend is distributable on December 19, to shareholders of record on November 11. The company also announced $4 billion in share buybacks, which is expected to be concluded by Q4 2022. Shell plc (NYSE:SHEL) intends to raise the per share dividend by 15% for the fourth quarter, which will be paid in March 2023. Total 2022 shareholder distributions came in at $26 billion.

Piper Sandler analyst Ryan Todd on November 11 raised the price target on Shell plc (NYSE:SHEL) to $71 from $65 and maintained an Overweight rating on the shares. The Q3 results were incrementally bullish for the integrated oil 2023 macro outlook, the analyst wrote in a research note.

Among the hedge funds tracked by Insider Monkey, Shell plc (NYSE:SHEL) was part of 39 public stock portfolios at the end of Q3 2022, and William B. Gray’s Orbis Investment Management held a prominent stake in the company, consisting of 11.2 million shares worth $558.5 million. 

Here is what Harding Loevner International Equity Fund has to say about Shell plc (NYSE:SHEL) in its Q1 2022 investor letter:

“While risks of unforeseen consequences arising from the Ukraine conflict are high, on this front we are cautiously optimistic that China will work hard to maintain its neutrality in a credible way, as it is a huge beneficiary of trade with the rest of the world, especially the rich developed nations. We think it likely that China, along with India, will continue to buy oil and gas from Russia (just as Europe, at least for now, plans to keep its gas pipelines open), and do not expect that fact to alter China’s trade relations with the West much. Nevertheless, we must contemplate that our optimism is misplaced on the importance of membership in the global network of exchange. If our central and optimistic case—admittedly an educated guess—is wrong, then we’d need to greatly modify our views of which companies in our opportunity set will face new barriers to profitable growth, and which might stand to benefit, relatively, from a further receding of globalization. (Global trade, after all, has never matched the peak share of GDP it reached in 2008, before the Global Financial Crisis.) We’d expect such a world to be less efficient, as the cold logic of comparative advantage is demoted as a determinant of which goods or services are produced and where. That would lead to a less prosperous world, since exploiting comparative advantage is a cornerstone of wealth creation. If regional blocs began to raise limits on the movement of capital as well as goods, we’d need to parse which of our multinational companies were at risk of declining sales from increasingly hostile, siloed countries. Royal Dutch Shell (NYSE:SHEL) has found its Siberian oil and gas joint venture assets stranded by the combination of sanctions and the public opprobrium of Russia’s actions.”

7. Suncor Energy Inc. (NYSE:SU)

Number of Hedge Fund Holders: 45

Suncor Energy Inc. (NYSE:SU) is a Canadian integrated energy company focused on exploring, producing, and marketing crude oil, natural gas, byproducts, refined products, and power. On November 16, Suncor Energy Inc. (NYSE:SU) declared a C$0.52 per share quarterly dividend, a 10.6% increase from its prior dividend of C$0.47. The dividend is payable on December 23, to shareholders of record on December 2. Suncor Energy Inc. (NYSE:SU)’s dividend yield on November 28 stood at 4.41%. 

On November 21, investment advisory Credit Suisse maintained an Outperform rating on Suncor Energy Inc. (NYSE:SU) but lowered the firm’s price target on the shares to C$60 from C$63. Analyst William Janela issued the ratings update. 

According to Insider Monkey’s Q3 data, Suncor Energy Inc. (NYSE:SU) was part of 45 hedge fund portfolios, compared to 47 in the earlier quarter. Paul Singer’s Elliott Management is a significant stakeholder of the company, with 10 million shares worth $281.6 million. 

Here is what ClearBridge Investments International Growth ADR Strategy has to say about Suncor Energy Inc. (NYSE:SU) in its Q1 2022 investor letter: 

“Also within the structural bucket, we added to our commodity exposure with the purchase of Suncor Energy (NYSE:SU). Suncor, a past holding, is a Canadian integrated oil company where we capitalized on attractive valuation due to a COVID-19-induced slowdown. We expect recovery in oil demand and strong pricing will result in faster than expected free cash flow growth and financial deleveraging.

The structural bucket has the shortest investment horizon across the spectrum of growth companies we target in the Strategy. We closely monitor the macro impacts and turnaround progress of these companies and will be disciplined sellers when the thesis for a holding plays out.”

6. Valero Energy Corporation (NYSE:VLO)

Number of Hedge Fund Holders: 47

Valero Energy Corporation (NYSE:VLO) is a Texas-based company that manufactures, markets, and sells transportation fuels and petrochemical products in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and internationally. The company operates through three segments – Refining, Renewable Diesel, and Ethanol. It produces conventional, premium, and reformulated gasoline, diesel fuels, jet fuels, other refined petroleum products, and natural gas liquids. Valero Energy Corporation (NYSE:VLO) is one of the top energy stocks to consider. 

On October 26, Valero Energy Corporation (NYSE:VLO) declared a quarterly dividend of $0.98 per share, in line with previous. The dividend is payable on December 9, to shareholders of the company as of November 17. Valero Energy Corporation (NYSE:VLO)’s dividend yield on November 28 came in at 2.83%. 

Piper Sandler analyst Ryan Todd on November 9 raised the price target on Valero Energy Corporation (NYSE:VLO) to $177 from $147 and kept an Overweight rating on the shares. The analyst increased his 2023 outlook for refining margins to within 10% of 2022 levels.

According to Insider Monkey’s Q3 data, 47 hedge funds were long Valero Energy Corporation (NYSE:VLO), compared to 43 funds in the earlier quarter. Israel Englander’s Millennium Management is a prominent stakeholder of the company, with 1.8 million shares worth $194.2 million. 

In addition to ConocoPhillips (NYSE:COP), Devon Energy Corporation (NYSE:DVN), and Marathon Petroleum Corporation (NYSE:MPC), Valero Energy Corporation (NYSE:VLO) is one of the top gas stocks backed by smart investors. 

Click to continue reading and see 5 Best Gas Stocks To Buy Now

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Disclosure: None. 11 Best Gas Stocks To Buy Now is originally published on Insider Monkey.

AI Fire Sale: Insider Monkey’s #1 AI Stock Pick Is On A Steep Discount

Artificial intelligence is the greatest investment opportunity of our lifetime. The time to invest in groundbreaking AI is now, and this stock is a steal!

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A New Dawn is Coming to U.S. Stocks

I work for one of the largest independent financial publishers in the world – representing over 1 million people in 148 countries.

We’re independently funding today’s broadcast to address something on the mind of every investor in America right now…

Should I put my money in Artificial Intelligence?

Here to answer that for us… and give away his No. 1 free AI recommendation… is 50-year Wall Street titan, Marc Chaikin.

Marc’s been a trader, stockbroker, and analyst. He was the head of the options department at a major brokerage firm and is a sought-after expert for CNBC, Fox Business, Barron’s, and Yahoo! Finance…

But what Marc’s most known for is his award-winning stock-rating system. Which determines whether a stock could shoot sky-high in the next three to six months… or come crashing down.

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He’s used this system to survive nine bear markets… create three new indices for the Nasdaq… and even predict the brutal bear market of 2022, 90 days in advance.

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