I don’t know about you, but I’m quite a big fan of crime novels and police procedural shows. What can be better than these sometimes, however, are cases that actually took place, which is why we’re going to list 11 best crime documentaries to stream on Netflix in 2015.

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While regular procedural shows that populate a great number of networks are absolutely great, albeit unbelievable in many aspects (zooming on a pixelated picture and getting a clear look at a license plate? Please!) you sometimes crave the real deal.
Crime documentaries offer something more to those passionate about “who did it” type stories. While there may not be as much suspense tied to such shows, they’re still quite awesome because they delve into the criminal minds in ways that TV shows can never manage to do. They offer insight into the minds of the killers and try to clearly show you why they did what they did and how their brains work, as well as how people’s senses sometimes override their minds, leading to heinous crimes.
Netflix has quite a collection of such crime documentaries and you should definitely check them out, as well as other similar films they have in their list. In fact, we have a list of 5 of the best documentaries on Netflix, which you should read so you can find even more titles to add to your queue.
We’re going to give you a list of the 11 best crime documentaries to stream on Netflix in 2015 based on IMDb rankings and fan recommendations found all over the Internet.