11 Best Credit Cards with the Highest Limits

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4. Discover It 18 Months Balance Transfer Offer

Score: 9 points;

Fee: $0 (1 point);

APR: 11.99% – 23.99% (4 points);

Intro: $0 for six months and 18 months for transfers (2 points)

Cashback and other benefits: 1% unlimited, 5% on bonus categories (2 points);

Discover It’s special transfer offer comes with a standard low APR and 1% cashback, like all other high limit cards from this company. In addition to this, it also provides an extended introductory rates period for balances, which lasts incredible 18 months. Unfortunately, they manage to offer such a long intro, by deducting six months from the standard 12 months offer for all other payment means. Still, Discover It 18 Months Balance Transfer Offer is the best option for people who pay most of their expenses with card transfers.

11 Best Credit Cards with the Highest Limits

Pachai Leknettip/Shutterstock.com

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