11 Best Conspiracy Documentaries on Youtube

If you are looking to get a bit paranoid then our list of best conspiracy documentaries on YouTube will do the trick.

YouTube is great for those who enjoy in conspiracy documentaries. There are lots of them and they are completely free to watch. From 9/11 trough government control to aliens, if something interests you, there is a conspiracy documentary on YouTube about it. The major reason for their availability is the fact that the most of these documentaries are efforts of a smaller group of people. Their intention isn’t to make a profit; they just want to share their opinions and findings with others in the attempt to “open their eyes”.

 Best Conspiracy Documentaries on Youtube


There are many categorizations of conspiracy theories, but I prefer the one from Professor Michael Barkun. He divides the conspiracy theories into three groups: event conspiracy theories, systemic conspiracy theories, and super-conspiracy theories. Event conspiracy theories revolve around conspiracies about a certain event or multiple linked events. The examples are 9/11 and assassination of John F. Kennedy. Systemic conspiracy theories have focused on conspiracies that have larger goals like New World Order.  Finally, super-conspiracy theories include various conspiracies that have a common link, behind which are some powerful forces. Even by talking about this, I became intrigued. If you are more intrigued by crimes than conspiracy theories, take a look at our list of 25 Best Crime Documentaries on YouTube.

To get the list of best conspiracy documentaries on YouTube we took recommendations from sources like Conspiracies and Decider. After checking documentaries for their availability on YouTube for free and in full length, we ranked them according to their IMDb rating. The ones that had the best score entered our list. Prepare to get your mind blown away.

11. The Hidden Hand: Alien Contact and the Government Cover-Up

IMDb Rating: 5.0

Any list of conspiracy documentaries can’t be complete without documentary talking about aliens and cover-ups about their existence. This documentary explores a wide range of alien related topics like their presence on Earth, alien technology and role of the government in hiding the proofs of alien visiting the Earth.

10. Thrive

IMDb Rating: 6.8

Thrive has a mission to show its audience the real truth about things happening in the world. It investigates lots of politics related conspiracies focusing primarily on the power of money. The interesting thing is that the creator of the documentary is Forester Gamble, heir to the Proctor & Gamble Company.

9. Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement

IMDb Rating: 7.1

This documentary has some scary claims, so try not to freak out. Endgame basically tries to make a case that we are controlled by those in places of power and global elite, who are trying to make us their slaves.

8. Loose Change

IMDb Rating: 7.2

There are lots of documentaries covering the 9/11 events, from all sorts of viewpoints, with many of them revolving around conspiracy theories. This documentary covers the most disturbing one; that the 9/11 was planned by non-other than the government of the United States.

7. Nazis: The Occult Conspiracy

IMDb Rating: 7.3

This entry on our list of best conspiracy documentaries on YouTube revolves around an unusual subject. The documentary explores the theories that Nazis were closely tied to occultism and occult traditions including the black magic.

 Best Conspiracy Documentaries on Youtube

Everett Historical/Shutterstock.com

6. Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined

IMDb Rating: 7.3

As you can see by its name, the documentary talks about New World Order that politicians are trying to create. It also pays great attention to Al Gore, questioning his motivations in the battle against global warming and making claims that he is one of the “New World Order insiders”.

5. JFK: The Smoking Gun

IMDb Rating: 7.3

The assassination of the President of the United States John F. Kennedy also generates lots of interests from conspiracy theorists. This documentary explores the possibility that there was a second shooter who killed JFK instead of Lee Harvey Oswald. The documentary features scene reenactments, interviews and archival footage to try and prove its case.

4. Unlawful Killing

IMDb Rating: 7.6

The documentary talks about the death of Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed, arguing that British government alongside the French government covered up important facts about the car crash that took their life. It makes claims that these facts could have revealed the real truth and that the British royal family was directly involved in the event.

3. Fabled Enemies

IMDb Rating: 7.9

We are continuing our list of best conspiracy documentaries on YouTube with Fabled Enemies that also revolves around 9/11 offering a slightly different perspective. It explores “holes” in the official version of the event and other irregularities. The documentary especially focuses on the ties of plane hijackers with U.S. military and FBI.

2. The Lightbulb Conspiracy

IMDb Rating: 8.1

This documentary explores planned obsolescence, from its very beginning in the early 20th century until now. Planned obsolescence is deliberately creating a product that has a shorter life in order to increase the demand from the consumers. It will give you a better understanding about why your iPhone stopped working out of nowhere. The Lightbulb Conspiracy investigates these business practices in multiple countries including the United States, Spain, and France.

1. Zeitgeist: The Movie

IMDb Rating: 8.2

The final entry on our list of best conspiracy documentaries on YouTube is a piece everyone should watch. The documentary covers a wide range of conspiracy theories including ones about religion, wars, politics and economics. Besides talking about conspiracy theories, Zeitgeist also proposes a variety of changes that would encourage the progress of humankind.