What’s up? No, literally. Christmas is over, but it is still helpful to know the 11 best cheap drones with camera for beginners and kids. Drones can be a perfect gift for anniversaries, birthdays or any other special occasion.
You are probably familiar with the concept of drones. They are remote controlled, are tons of fun to use and can be equipped with a camera. There are many types of drones, but for beginners and kids, RF (ready to fly) drones are the best pick. Ready to fly drones don’t require any previous knowledge and you can fly them straight out of the box. They are also sometimes called quadcopters since most of them have 4 motors. Other types of drones are more aimed at professionals.

Copyright: bugphai / 123RF Stock Photo
When it comes to buying drones for kids, many parents have doubts about the true educational value or other issues surrounding the use of drones for kids. Drones can have a major influence on your kids and that influence can be beneficial. They will be able to learn more about the new technology, stimulate their young minds and most important of all, they will have tons of fun using them. It’s a fun way to get your kid involved in learning and thinking about STEM outside of the classroom.
If you are thinking of buying a drone for a beginner or a kid, you are probably wondering which characteristics that drone should have. Well, the drone you are looking for is cheap, small, easy to use, equipped with a camera and with a decent flight time. We already mentioned some of them on our list of 7 easiest drones to fly with a camera.
Kids and beginners will probably not be skillful with drones, so drones will take a major beating or completely break. This is why it isn’t a good idea to invest much money for someone’s first drone. When it comes to size, pick a smaller drone because they are easier to handle, and most importantly, kids will not hurt themselves (or others) with them. Flight time is also important since you don’t want to recharge the battery every 3 or 4 minutes.
To find 11 best cheap drones with camera for beginners and kids we took 16 drones for kids and beginners recommended by drone-specialized sites like Drones Global, UAV Coach, and Drone Guru while making sure they all had a camera and were under $200. Then we ranked each drone according to the price and the characteristics that are offered for that price like the FPV (first person view), camera quality, flight time, etc. So let’s check them out.