Gather round, art lovers, as we dig into the 11 best art documentaries on Netflix Instant in 2015.
Art has always fascinated people, both those talented enough to create it and a vast majority of us not blessed with that ability. One reason art documentaries are so popular is because they reveal the side of art we don’t get to see much: how art is created, what the process is behind masterpieces we admire, and what motivates artists in their work. These are the questions filmmakers tried to find answers to in these art documentaries available on Netflix in 2015. While all may not agree that documentaries are a true art form, some of the movies on this list manage to achieve that elusive status and qualify as art pieces themselves. They may lack the appeal of the best animal documentaries on Netflix, but they still manage to reach a wide audience.

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To rank best art documentaries on Netflix instant in 2015, we had to devise a system. Going simply by IMDb rating just wouldn’t cut it, although we did include it in our final ranking. We also went over a dozen lists on most popular sites in order to get an accurate feel on public opinion. We mixed it all together and came up with a genuine Insider Monkey ranking. Let’s see who made it to our list of 11 best art documentaries on Netflix instant in 2015.