Welcome to the 11 best alien documentaries on Netflix instant in 2015 — cue the X-Files intro music.
Considering the vastness of the universe, it’s hard to imagine that we’re all alone in it, despite all the evidence (or lack of it, to be precise) to the contrary. Perhaps that’s why people from all over the world claim to have seen aliens or their ships. For them, the evidence is real and people who refuse to believe in them are either blind or a part of the government’s conspiracy to hide the truth.

Twin Design / Shutterstock.com
Perhaps instead of wasting your time with aliens, you should educate yourself and watch some art documentaries on Netflix instead. Then again, perhaps these UFO documentaries do tell the truth. Perhaps the UFOs are really alien visitors from another planet. Perhaps they have valid reasons for not revealing their existence to the human race. Some of these alien documentaries try to explain those reasons. Others depict experiences people who claimed extraterrestrial contacts had. Whether you believe them or not is up to you, but the odds are in their favor.
To rank best alien documentaries on Netflix instant in 2015, we had to devise a system. Going simply by IMDb rating just wouldn’t cut it, although we did include it in our final ranking. We also went over a dozen lists on most popular sites in order to get an accurate feel on public opinion. We mixed it all together and came up with a genuine Insider Monkey ranking. Let’s see who made it to our list of 11 best alien documentaries on Netflix instant in 2015.