2. Mott Haven
Cost of Living: 117 (National Average is 100)
Rent rates: $726
Amenities: Groceries, schools, public transits, coffee shops, libraries, shopping centers, public transits
In terms of amenities, Mott Haven has practically anything you need in a neighborhood. There are restaurants, grocery shops, and public transits. They’re spread out quite a bit, though. Its cost of living and rent rates are a bit higher than Hunts Point. That is why it ranked higher on our list of worst, poorest, and most dangerous neighborhoods in New York City. Also, it has a very low median household income of just $23,821.
1. Fordham
Cost of Living: 113
Rent rates: $1,106
Amenities: Groceries, schools, public transits, coffee shops, libraries, shopping centers, public transits
Many would likely agree that the worst neighborhood is somewhere cost of living is high while household income stays low. That is exactly what Fordham residents have to endure. Rent rates look reasonable when you first see them, but when you realize that the median household income in the area is just $26,050, you know it isn’t favorable.

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There you have it — the 10 worst, poorest, and most dangerous neighborhoods in New York City. Of course, not all neighborhoods fit every category, as evidenced above. What do you think of these picks?