If you clicked on this article because you expected our list of the 10 worst, poorest, and most dangerous neighborhoods in New York City to be racist and classist, you’re wrong. What we’ve done for this is aggregate three separate lists, as worst, poorest, and most dangerous don’t necessarily overlap, and it would be wrong to say the worst neighborhoods are poor and/or dangerous.
The idea that poorer neighborhoods are intrinsically more dangerous is a racist ideology and doesn’t belong here. This also applies to connecting the words “worst” and “poorest.” Worst can mean a variety of things. New York City has been named one of the safest large cities in the world. But of course there are areas that have crime, much like other cities. Another “problem” most areas in New York are facing is, of course, traffic. So, if you are living in New York and are sick of traffic and spending money on expensive taxis take a look at our article on Uber, Lyft, Gett, Juno, Via: Best NYC Taxi Alternatives!

Copyright: zhukovsky / 123RF Stock Photo
Back on our main topic – if you do a search for the worst neighborhoods in NYC, you’ll likely get results that associate the worst places with the most dangerous, but this is a viewpoint we don’t completely agree with. Amenities and commuting are the aspects that are incredibly important in a New York neighborhood; therefore, those are the criteria we searched for primarily.We also used cost of living and average rent price. We sourced this data from Area Vibes.
For the list of poorest neighborhoods, we searched for the ones with the lowest median income. As for the most dangerous neighborhoods, we took a look at the crime per capita index. The higher the crime rate, the higher the neighborhood will rank. We did not factor these two aspects into determining the worst neighborhoods because it would reflect negatively.
While the neighborhoods mentioned may seem like they’re beneath you, especially to those who want to move to NYC and have a dream apartment, they have plenty of positive qualities.
Keep on reading for our three lists of worst, poorest, and most dangerous neighborhoods in New York City: