It is common knowledge that smoking is really unhealthy, however, if you are a passionate smoker and find it uneasy to stop, you should at least know what are the worst cigarettes to smoke for your health.
Today there are so many different kinds of cigarettes that if you start smoking, you will find it difficult to choose the best brand, flavor or type. It is well known that they are scientifically proven unhealthy and that they increase the possibility of many diseases, primarily lung cancer. In addition, their advertising has decreased compared to previous years, as well as the sales rate, according to Federal Trade Commission Cigarettes Report from 2013. However, even though the public is well introduced with anti-smoking campaigns and movements, there is still a big number of smokers all over the world.
With that big number of smokers, there is also a big number of cigarettes brands. They differ in diverse ingredients and their percentages, filters and sizes. It is in fact not the tobacco that kills us, but every other substance that just increases the enjoyment while smoking. With those additives, brands created menthol, slim, filter, no-filter cigarettes, among many others. The question is, does it make a difference for our health which type of cigarettes we smoke?

According to Public Health Law Center, besides regular ones, the most popular flavor of cigarettes is menthol. In 2009 Congress banned the sale of all flavored cigarettes except menthol, and directed the issue to U.S. Food and Drug Administration. In 2011, the committee reported that “removal of menthol cigarettes from the marketplace would benefit public health in the United States”. Moreover, cigarettes with the lowest level of nicotine or so-called ‘light’, make you inhale deeper and more frequently so that you compensate for the low levels of nicotine, which, ironically, could be worse for your lungs, some experts say.
By the way, you can watch the video below to find out 7 cigarette brands that contain the lowest tar and nicotine.
Through our research we consulted many sources such as American Lung Association and Public Health Law Center, to name few. We found that none of them indicates which are the worst or the best cigarettes to smoke. In order to find out more, we used the 2006 and 2007 Tar, Nicotine and Carbon Monoxide Report released under the Freedom of Information Act in 2012. We created our list by ranking the cigarettes brands with the biggest percentage of tar and nicotine use, as they are the most well-known cancer-causing substances. As the menthol cigarettes are separated in the report from the regular ones, we additionally compared those two as well. However, as some brands have the same percentages, we chose more popular ones according to statistics of Center for Disease Control and Prevention. For reference’s sake nicotine is shown in milligrams per cigarette, while tar represents total particulate matter in milligrams per cigarette less nicotine and water. So here goes the list of 10 worst cigarettes to smoke for your health, and if you are interested in the opposite, check out 5 Healthiest Cigarettes with the Least Chemicals! Let’s begin!