8. How do Changes in Acidity Affect Survival?
In this project number 8 on our list of winning science fair projects for high school, your aim is to determine how does a change in acidity affect the survival of an invertebrate population, or in this case, shrimps. First, you need to do a background research and determine the average pH of groundwater in various areas in your country. Analyze how acid rain forms, what is being done to reduce it, and what are the possible reasons for failing in this attempt. Then you need some shrimp eggs in a glass container with saltwater solution and to adjust the pH to about 7.5. You can use baking soda for this and a pH meter. Next, you need to divide shrimps eggs into several groups, making sure that you leave the control group at the same pH level, 7.5. Add a few drops of vinegar every day, but slowly adjusting the pH level until it’s equal to the pH levels of water in various areas of your country. Make sure you feed each group the exact same amount (a few grains of yeast). Now observe the effects of acidity and which group manages to survive the longest.

SUWIT NGAOKAEW/Shutterstock.com