If you are a traveling enthusiast, read on to know the unfriendliest cities in the world in 2018, so that you can avoid them. At least for this year.
Yeah, we all like our vacations to go as smoothly as possible, hence knowing most tolerant cities in the world, and unfriendliest countries in the world can be pretty useful. Know where to go, and what to skip, if you can choose. If tolerance is on your mind, go to Berlin or Montreal. Or, if you are looking for the friendliest city in Spain go to Malaga. If something else is on your mind don’t miss these 11 Best Countries For American Tourists To Get Laid and 16 Friendliest Countries That Love American Guys and Accents. Enough about the good picks, our focus today should be on the least friendly cities in the world in 2018.

Pixabay/Public Domain
Unfortunately, there are no any recent polls regarding the friendliness of the cities in the world, no unfriendliest cities in the world 2017 lists, so we had to use some older polls. In order to come up with our original ranking of the unfriendliest cities in the world in 2018, we combined different sources. We used two old (a few years ago) rankings from Condе Nast Traveller and combined it with the list of most dangerous cities in the world. Since not all of the cities on those lists of least friendly were found among the most violent cities as well, we couldn’t completely combine them. For the same reason, we couldn’t use an interesting list of the rudest cities in the world 2017, which includes some beautiful European destinations such as Paris, and London (consider them the most unfriendly cities in Europe). Interestingly, our list doesn’t have a single European city, although we noticed while researching that Moscow is often mentioned. So, how did we come up with our list of the 10 unfriendliest cities in the world in 2018 in the end?
Well, the first three places on our list take the cities that were on both Conde Nast’s lists, next three are from either of those two lists, but those that were also among the unsafest cities in the world; the rest of the list make the cities that were on the most recent Conde Nast survey of those two. The logic behind this math was – first, there is a good chance that cities that were many times among the least friendly cities in the world are still among them; second, violent cities full of crime shouldn’t be considered friendly; and third, those that were more recently regarded as unfriendly are probably still there.
As you can see this was not an easy job, considering the lack of the recent relevant information (real statistics and polls), but we really did our best in trying to find the unfriendliest cities in the world in 2018.
If you have some suggestions on how to improve our ranking, please let us know in the comments below. And now, let’s see which cities shouldn’t be on your bucket list for 2018, starting with number 10: