7. Moxy Hotels
Mentions: 2
Hotels: 2 in the US, 10 in total
The Moxy Hotels chain that ranks 7th on the list of trendiest boutique hotel chains in America, has reached numerous locations, including Milan, Frankfurt, Munich, London, Vienna, and more. In the United States, however, there are only a couple that are currently open – in Phoenix and New Orleans, with more planned within the next year in Manhattan, Seattle, Minneapolis, Denver, Nashville, Washinton DC, and more.
Folks at Moxy describe the hotel as having the “social heart of a hostel” because it is a free-spirited location where you can do pretty much whatever you want to do, including things you wouldn’t think of doing at home.
The hotels offer great food and loads of drinks, with a bar that’s open around the clock. There’s also the fact that their rooms look like they could be a part of a museum, which might attract you to the place.