10 Top Reasons For Getting Fired

What are the top reasons for getting fired these days? Companies fire employees for many different reasons. Everyone has a friend who has a friend that was fired for the most bizarre reason: from posting something on Facebook, to taking too much time for doing a particular task. Well the truth is that companies need no major reasons to fire their employees, unless of course there is an employment contract that specifies the opposite. Employment at will, this is, implies that an employee can be terminated at any time, without any reason or previous notice. Yet, usually, companies do not fire their employees without cause: there is usually a specific reason for getting sacked.

Every job has its perks. Some do not demand much from their employees, while others are indeed pretty stressful. Depending on the type of job, and of course, of the industry where it takes place, different work dynamics are likely to develop. And of course, some of the top reasons for getting fired are more frequent than others, taking into account the tasks each job involves. Nevertheless, some stressful jobs might just lead their employees to quit before being fired. And what’s the most stressful job out there? Well you can check out our list of the 6 Most Stressful Jobs in the market and find out.

Some stressful careers are of course always on the top of the list, such as emergency medical personnel, or firefighter. But there are also some other jobs which you wouldn’t think are as nerve-racking as they actually are, such as being an air traffic controller, a chef or a football coach. Anyway, these jobs might indeed be worth quitting, if you find that they are just tearing you apart.

Some other jobs, though, aren’t as stressful as these. But every work has its risks, and the reasons for being fired differ depending on the industry and position. Nevertheless, we can sure trace down the top reasons why people get the boot. Let’s start the countdown of the top reasons for getting fired.


No. 10 Speak Badly of the Boss or the Company on a Social Network

Some people forget that social network and the internet are wider than what they can imagine. If you are smart enough, you’ll never post anything on a social network about your job or employers that could cost or at the very least, compromise your position. Talking rubbish about your job on the internet is just like saying it right in the boss’ face.

Continue the list on the following pages:

No. 9 Unauthorized Surfing of the Internet

Being stuck in a cubicle, you might think there’s nothing wrong with watching some YouTube videos, or checking on some social network action now and then. Well remember that the company can investigate your workspace, and may not like your web surfing at work.

No. 8 Drug or Alcohol Possession at Work

Okay, so this one isn’t probably one you’d be likely to miss. Of course, being drunk at work isn’t recommended, and is pretty likely to cost your job. If you do fancy a drink with your colleagues at lunch, assure yourself that you can handle the consequences.

No. 7 Sexually Harassing a Co-Worker

Sexual harassment is one of the most important reasons for getting fired. If someone finds that their integrity is being violated at the office by another co-worker, or feels menaced by another employee’s attitude, this person is capable of pursuing a lawsuit.

No. 6 Lying or Stealing

Of course you don’t have to be a genius to figure out that if you take something that doesn’t belong to you at your workplace, it will probably lead to your firing, and on top of that, it might also imply a lawsuit over the theft.

No.  5 Lying on Your Job Application or Resume

It is important to keep the details on your resume accurate, as you could be fired if your boss decides to check out your application and demands a degree or references from a previous job that you don’t actually possess.

No. 4 Absenteeism, Bad Time-Keeping, Sleeping

If too much time is taken at different tasks, or maybe just in the bathroom, the employer can suspect you are chilling a bit too much. Sleeping during working hours on the other hand is not a likely possibility, unless you are working for Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGLand get into one of the napping capsules they have in their offices…

No. 3 Misconduct

Different types of misconduct can lead to losing a job position. Engaging in office gossip or complaining about work might disrupt the working environment. Employers might find it inappropriate to have such conduct at work. Moreover, bringing your personal problems into the office is also a reason for getting fired. No one can argue being “depressed” at work, as a reason for not assuming the job’s responsibilities.

No. 2 Refusing to Follow Orders or Directions

A pretty classic reason for being fired is being undisciplined. When a superior assigns tasks or gives directions and orders, following them carefully is one of the most important elements of your duties. Your performance depends on how well you accomplish those tasks.

No. 1. Poor Performance

This is the main reason why people usually get fired at jobs. Poor performances can be the reason for being dismissed in most of the cases, especially on highly competitive jobs, where lots of possible candidates await, eager to get hired and give their best for the company.