3. Intelligent Things
The world around us is growing with intelligent devices. Sure, there are plenty of things that are nice to be “smart” like your watch, or your home security cameras, or your thermostat even, but there are others that have been developed as such simply out of the desire to do so, not because there was an actual need.
In the coming years, there will be more and more Internet of Things devices out there, some that will become more intelligent than we think possible. They will learn everything about us, and our habits, only to try to make our lives easier. This, of course, is a rather touchy subject since it means relinquishing the sense of privacy as we see it traditionally and embracing a new concept that implies trusting our devices with our information.
Here lies the problem, for now. IoT security is notoriously bad – devices are being hacked left and right, infected with trojans that then turn the device into a pawn in a botnet planning out a brand new distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS) on an unsuspecting target. The situation has become quite dire and it is believed the government will intervene sooner rather than later to force the IoT industry into setting down security guidelines to better protect the devices and their owners.
