4. Virtual and Augmented Reality
In the past several years, there’s been a massive rise of VR and AR, namely virtual reality and augmented reality the next technologies of the future 2020 in line on our list. These technologies are already transforming the way individuals interact with each other. More and more uses are being found for these technologies.
For instance, VR can be used to train military men, or to educate people about past times, be it eras when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, or when famous castles were under siege.
AR, for its part, can be used to teach people how to look for more than meets the eye in various exercises, especially since it mixes the real and virtual worlds.
With AR and VR headsets becoming more wearable as time goes on, there will be more uses to the technologies. For instance, businesses will be able to allow clients to immerse themselves in their surroundings. The technologies may even end up involving other human senses.

Bairachnyi Dmitry/Shutterstock.com