
Insider Trading

Hedge Funds



10 Stocks That Will Skyrocket

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In this piece, we will take a look at 10 stocks that will skyrocket.

The primary lure of investing, as you’re likely to know, is to make money. Every day thousands of investors pour into the market to pick out what they believe will be winners to make them rich. And, the market delivers as well. This has been quite clear in 2024, with the hype surrounding artificial intelligence having delivered previously unthinkable returns. Wall Street’s favorite AI stock, the chipmaker that’s responsible for providing the industry with GPUs to run AI workloads, has gained a whopping 636% since ChatGPT was released in November 2022. This stock ranks 4th in our list of  Analyst Says These 10 AI Stocks Have More Upside Potential, so if you haven’t guessed by now, then do take a look.

Looking at these spectacular returns, one would be hard pressed to conclude that if you want to make money on the stock market, then growth is the way to go. But as is the case with most things in life, details are lurking under the hood that go against this simple supposition. On this front, professors from the University of Illinois looked at the returns of large cap and small cap value and growth stocks starting from 1969 and ending in 2001. Taking a geometric mean of these returns, they revealed that large cap growth (‘glamour’) stocks delivered mean returns of 4.5%, 7.9%, and 3.8% between 1969-2001, 1979-2001, and 1990-2001, respectively. On the other hand, large cap value stocks delivered returns of 16.4%, 20.4%, and 18% over the three respective time periods. What’s more, is that the returns offered by the value stocks during 1969 and 2001 also surpassed the returns of the S&P 500 index which sat at 11.4%!

But what about small caps? After all, small caps are all the hype on Wall Street these days as investors position themselves for an interest rate cut. July 11th saw the S&P’s flagship index bleed 91 basis points, with the technology heavy NASDAQ shedding 1.98%. The NASDAQ’s drop was led by its 100 most valuable non financial companies which shed 2.15% during the same day. On the other hand, the rising fortunes of small cap stocks accelerated on the 11th. The leading small cap stock index gained 2% during the day and nearly matched this during the first half an hour of trading on the 12th by gaining 1.6% as it opened significantly higher after the after and pre market trading sessions.

Looking at these gains, you might be wondering which small cap stocks might be worth their while. Well, we looked at analyst sentiment as part of our coverage of 8 Best Small-Cap Stocks Ready to Explode According to Analysts and hedge fund sentiment as part of 15 Small-Cap Stocks with High Potential so you should check them out if you’re interested in small cap stocks.

Coming back to the professors’ research, during 1969-2001, 1979-2001, and 1990-2001, small cap growth stocks, were down by 2.8%, 1.8%, and 6.2%, respectively. On the other hand, small cap value stocks delivered geometric mean returns of 18.3%, 22.8%, and 17.7%, respectively. Seems like over the long term, investing in value stocks appears to be just as, if not more, worthwhile while large cap growth stocks appear to fare better than their small cap. peers.

While you might be thinking that these stats do not apply to the current market, it’s also true that they are relevant to an extent especially since 1990 to 2001 was characterized by soaring valuations fuelled by internet stocks. Right now, AI is all that anyone can talk about, even as investors are moving out of big ticket technology names into the under appreciated small caps. Back then, the shares of a California based internet connectivity equipment provider soared by a whopping 53,207% between January 1991 and April 2000. So, this would have seen $1,000 invested during the start soar to $533,000 at the peak, which, fair to say, is life changing money for most of us. Yet, those same shares are down by 36% since then and had tumbled by as much as 79% by February 2009. If you’re interested in knowing what this stock is, it ranked 8th on our list of the 10 Best Communication and Media Stocks To Buy According to Hedge Funds.

At the same time, not all growth stocks end up lower. Some of the biggest examples that weathered the storm after the dotcom bubble popped are the largest companies today. They belong to the eCommerce, consumer and enterprise software, and the broader technology industries. Today’s mega cap stocks have gained anywhere between 6,455% to 203,377% and 437,010% since they were listed for trading. Safe to say, these ‘fads’ of the time weren’t fads and the market knew what it was doing.

Their returns are also what drive growth investors in droves to the stock market. While eCommerce and consumer technology were trends of the past, there are dozens of trends that newsletter publishers have embraced with open arms these days as they promise the next stock capable of delivering 10x or even 100x in returns. Since you’re likely to be aware of AI at this point, we’ll skip it out and list some other ideas. One of the biggest, and perhaps underreported ideas that newsletters have been pitching is quantum computing. Quantum computing expands the amount of data that a traditional computer can compute, and while its stocks haven’t delivered strong returns yet, publishers believe that the future is bright. You can look at some quantum computing stocks and a broader industry overview by reading 12 Best Quantum Computing Stocks To Invest In.

One trend that has delivered returns is weight loss. Since March 2023, these stocks have delivered as much as 173% in returns, and with newer products such as pills under development, some folks believe that there’s more room left for growth. Another highly pitched trend is energy, specifically nuclear energy, uranium miners, and energy infrastructure stocks. All these will benefit from the growth in electricity consumption from AI data centers, according to newsletter publishers.

So, amidst this hunt for the big winners, if you’re interested in which stocks might skyrocket, we’ve got just the list for you.

Top 20 Countries that Owe the US Money

Our Methodology

To make our list of the stocks that might skyrocket, we scanned investment newsletters from Stock Gumshoe and narrowed down 20 stocks from newsletters dated back as far as June 13th. These were ranked by the number of hedge funds that had bought the shares in Q1 2024 and the top ten stocks were chosen. Stock Gumshoe’s thesis and the date of each newsletter are also mentioned.

We also mentioned the number of hedge funds that had bought these stocks during the same filing period. Why are we interested in the stocks that hedge funds pile into? The reason is simple: our research has shown that we can outperform the market by imitating the top stock picks of the best hedge funds. Our quarterly newsletter’s strategy selects 14 small-cap and large-cap stocks every quarter and has returned 275% since May 2014, beating its benchmark by 150 percentage points (see more details here).

10. 10x Genomics, Inc. (NASDAQ:TXG)

Number of Hedge Fund Investors  in Q1 2024: 33

Date of Newsletter: June 26th

The hype for this newsletter stock is quite strong, as Alexander Green shares that this firm could very well be one of the next Magnificent 7. This stock is a “leader in cutting edge technology;” its technology is “protected” by patents; it has had “massive sales growth;”and comes with the “potential for dozens of blockbusters launches.” By the looks of it, all of us are going to be very rich if we buy this stock. This stock, in particular, “has 1750 patents on a cutting-edge technology that’s used by every single one of the top 100 global research institutions,” and it’s gone from “from $298 million in sales in 2020… to $618 million in sales last year.”

This stock, according to Stock Gumshoe, is 10x Genomics, Inc. (NASDAQ:TXG), an American firm that provides raw materials and other equipment for genetic analysis and testing. It is a loss making firm that has not turned a profit in its five financial years since being a publicly listed company. Evaluating 10x Genomics, Inc. (NASDAQ:TXG) means that an investor has to analyze its technological products in great detail and then compare them with its competitors such as Illumina, Inc. (NASDAQ:ILMN). One way to analyze firms like 10x Genomics, Inc. (NASDAQ:TXG) is to see what the analysts are saying. As Stock Gumshoe highlights, analysts expect the firm to grow its revenue over the next couple of years, and these growth estimates have jumped to range between 10% to 15% from sitting at 5% in the previous quarter.

9. EQT Corporation (NYSE:EQT)

Number of Hedge Fund Investors  in Q1 2024: 41

Date of Newsletter: July 1st

Motley Fool, one of the most well known financial websites, sent a recent Stock Advisor newsletter. This newsletter pitched a stock that it described as utilizing an energy source that is “taking the world by storm.” As if this weren’t enough, it also points out that the investor of investors, Berkshire Hathaway also spent a cool $1.3 billion on a facility for this energy source in Maryland. This stock, which is likely involved in liquefied natural gas, has returned “an average of 120% per year to investors” since 2020 to add to its strong “639% returns to date.”

According to Stock Gumshoe, this stock is EQT Corporation (NYSE:EQT) – a natural gas company that produces gas in the Appalachian Basin. Digging deeper into its business, Stock Gumshoe shares that EQT Corporation (NYSE:EQT) offers a mixed bag. On one end, the firm has managed to control its costs well over the past couple of years of high interest rates and inflation. EQT Corporation (NYSE:EQT) has managed to acquire pricey equipment at affordable price tags, and it has also pre sold its gas inventory and controlled production at a time when natural gas prices are low. However, EQT Corporation (NYSE:EQT) is facing trouble when it comes to shipping its gas to areas with large populations and sizeable demand.

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AI Fire Sale: Insider Monkey’s #1 AI Stock Pick Is On A Steep Discount

Artificial intelligence is the greatest investment opportunity of our lifetime. The time to invest in groundbreaking AI is now, and this stock is a steal!

The whispers are turning into roars.

Artificial intelligence isn’t science fiction anymore.

It’s the revolution reshaping every industry on the planet.

From driverless cars to medical breakthroughs, AI is on the cusp of a global explosion, and savvy investors stand to reap the rewards.

Here’s why this is the prime moment to jump on the AI bandwagon:

Exponential Growth on the Horizon: Forget linear growth – AI is poised for a hockey stick trajectory.

Imagine every sector, from healthcare to finance, infused with superhuman intelligence.

We’re talking disease prediction, hyper-personalized marketing, and automated logistics that streamline everything.

This isn’t a maybe – it’s an inevitability.

Early investors will be the ones positioned to ride the wave of this technological tsunami.

Ground Floor Opportunity: Remember the early days of the internet?

Those who saw the potential of tech giants back then are sitting pretty today.

AI is at a similar inflection point.

We’re not talking about established players – we’re talking about nimble startups with groundbreaking ideas and the potential to become the next Google or Amazon.

This is your chance to get in before the rockets take off!

Disruption is the New Name of the Game: Let’s face it, complacency breeds stagnation.

AI is the ultimate disruptor, and it’s shaking the foundations of traditional industries.

The companies that embrace AI will thrive, while the dinosaurs clinging to outdated methods will be left in the dust.

As an investor, you want to be on the side of the winners, and AI is the winning ticket.

The Talent Pool is Overflowing: The world’s brightest minds are flocking to AI.

From computer scientists to mathematicians, the next generation of innovators is pouring its energy into this field.

This influx of talent guarantees a constant stream of groundbreaking ideas and rapid advancements.

By investing in AI, you’re essentially backing the future.

The future is powered by artificial intelligence, and the time to invest is NOW.

Don’t be a spectator in this technological revolution.

Dive into the AI gold rush and watch your portfolio soar alongside the brightest minds of our generation.

This isn’t just about making money – it’s about being part of the future.

So, buckle up and get ready for the ride of your investment life!

Act Now and Unlock a Potential 10,000% Return: This AI Stock is a Diamond in the Rough (But Our Help is Key!)

The AI revolution is upon us, and savvy investors stand to make a fortune.

But with so many choices, how do you find the hidden gem – the company poised for explosive growth?

That’s where our expertise comes in.

We’ve got the answer, but there’s a twist…

Imagine an AI company so groundbreaking, so far ahead of the curve, that even if its stock price quadrupled today, it would still be considered ridiculously cheap.

That’s the potential you’re looking at. This isn’t just about a decent return – we’re talking about a 10,000% gain over the next decade!

Our research team has identified a hidden gem – an AI company with cutting-edge technology, massive potential, and a current stock price that screams opportunity.

This company boasts the most advanced technology in the AI sector, putting them leagues ahead of competitors.

It’s like having a race car on a go-kart track.

They have a strong possibility of cornering entire markets, becoming the undisputed leader in their field.

Here’s the catch (it’s a good one): To uncover this sleeping giant, you’ll need our exclusive intel.

We want to make sure none of our valued readers miss out on this groundbreaking opportunity!

That’s why we’re slashing the price of our Premium Readership Newsletter by 15% and offering month-to-month subscriptions with no commitments.

For a ridiculously low price of just $6.99 per month, you can unlock our in-depth investment research and exclusive insights – that’s less than a single fast food meal!

Here’s why this is a deal you can’t afford to pass up:

• Access to our Detailed Report on our Game-Changing AI Stock: Our in-depth report dives deep into our #1 AI stock’s groundbreaking technology and massive growth potential.

• One New Issue of Our Premium Readership Newsletter: You will also receive one new issue per month and at least one new stock pick per month from our monthly newsletter’s portfolio over the next 12 months. These stocks are handpicked by our research director, Dr. Inan Dogan.

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Space is Limited! Only 1000 spots are available for this exclusive offer. Don’t let this chance slip away – subscribe to our Premium Readership Newsletter today and unlock the potential for a life-changing investment.

Here’s what to do next:

1. Head over to our website and subscribe to our Premium Readership Newsletter for just $6.99.

2. Enjoy a month of ad-free browsing, exclusive access to our in-depth report on the revolutionary AI company, and the upcoming issues of our Premium Readership Newsletter.

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Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity! Subscribe now and take control of your AI investment future!

No worries about auto-renewals! Our 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee applies whether you’re joining us for the first time or renewing your subscription a month later!

A New Dawn is Coming to U.S. Stocks

I work for one of the largest independent financial publishers in the world – representing over 1 million people in 148 countries.

We’re independently funding today’s broadcast to address something on the mind of every investor in America right now…

Should I put my money in Artificial Intelligence?

Here to answer that for us… and give away his No. 1 free AI recommendation… is 50-year Wall Street titan, Marc Chaikin.

Marc’s been a trader, stockbroker, and analyst. He was the head of the options department at a major brokerage firm and is a sought-after expert for CNBC, Fox Business, Barron’s, and Yahoo! Finance…

But what Marc’s most known for is his award-winning stock-rating system. Which determines whether a stock could shoot sky-high in the next three to six months… or come crashing down.

That’s why Marc’s work appears in every Bloomberg and Reuters terminal on the planet…

And is still used by hundreds of banks, hedge funds, and brokerages to track the billions of dollars flowing in and out of stocks each day.

He’s used this system to survive nine bear markets… create three new indices for the Nasdaq… and even predict the brutal bear market of 2022, 90 days in advance.

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