10 States With no or Least Poisonous Snakes in America

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3. Hawaii

Although it is commonly thought there are no snake species at all in Hawaii that is not absolutely true. There indeed are no indigenous snake species in Hawaii, but only recently has one species been introduced to Hawaiian Islands during 1980’s. That is brahminy blind snake (Ramphotylops Braminus) that was probably brought from Philipines in potted plant soil. These are small, worm-like snakes but they are not poisonous. The only venomous snake that can sometimes be seen on the shores of Hawaii is the yellow-bellied sea snake (Pelamis platurus). It is highly venomous aquatic snake that inhabits Pacific waters and is seen throughout Asian, Australian and West American coast. However, even being the only venomous snake, this snake is very rarely seen on Hawaiian shores.

10 States With no or Least Poisonous Snakes in America

Maciej Bogusz/Shutterstock.com

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