10 States with Most Snake Bites in America

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4. North Carolina

The rate of snakebites per million in North Carolina is 320.1. There are 37 species of snakes throughout North Carolina, out of which 6 are venomous. Five out of six venomous snakes are pit vipers and the last one is Eastern Coral Snake. The venom of this snake is the most toxic venom produced by snakes that inhabit the area of North Carolina. Luckily this snake is rarely seen due to its secretive nature. Other venomous snakes from this area include: Southern Copperhead, Timber Rattlesnake, Western Pigmy Rattlesnake, Eastern Diamondback and Eastern Cottonmouth.

10 States with Most Snake Bites in America

Ali Iyoob Photography/Shutterstock.com

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