10 States with Most Snake Bites in America

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5. Missouri

Missouri is characterized by a variety of landscape including prairies, valleys, swamps, and marshes. Snakes like to dwell in such places and Missouri is home to 46 species, so it is no surprise to find it among the states with most snake bites in America. According to the brochure on snakes in Missouri area published by Missouri Department of Conservation, there are 5 venomous species in Missouri and all of them are pit vipers. These include: Osage Copperhead, Western Cottonmouth, Timber Rattlesnake, Eastern Massasauga and Western Pigmy Rattlesnake. The rate of snakebites per million in Missouri is 306.5. Despite the fact that there are only 5 venomous species, some of them are frequently encountered, especially the copperhead. Once again, it is important to note that if you encounter any of the snakes listed here, the best choice is to stay away from it. If you don’t touch the snake, it probably won’t touch you as well.

10 States with Most Snake Bites in America

Lamnoi Manas/Shutterstock.com

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