1. Child Pornography and Child Torture
Child pornography, usually abbreviated as “CP”, is one of the most sickest disturbing things you can find on the Deep Web. In fact, according to Wired’s article based on Gareth Owen’s study, child pornography constitutes over 80% of the DW searches. Not only are there waaay more pedos than you thought, but this number also reflects the fact that they are the most frequent users of the websites, since their appetites can’t be satiated anywhere else.
Here’s a very interesting Reddit forum entry where a self-accepted child porn lover offers to answer questions about himself and the sites he visits. He mentions the website Violent Desires and states that it’s a “site where people into hurtcore (CP involving pain) and discuss how to plan kidnapping” adding to the very disturbing statement, “It seems like some people have posted their own homemade pictures.”
CP comes in many shapes. There’s also ‘jailbait,’ which involves underage girls who look a bit older. Then there’s the nauseating term ‘hard candy,’ meaning girls from 12-to-16, and after that it gets really, really ugly. ‘Hurtcore’ is what they call violently raping children, or even babies, and this is where snuff and child porn begin to overlap–sufficient to say this is disgusting.
Our go-to sicko in this area would be Peter Scully, an Australian man arrested in Indonesia, where he lived, for the abduction, rape, and torture of 8 girls from 18 months up, and the murder of at least one. He was the author of “Daisy’s destruction”, a legend on the Deep Web (as far as I know unreachable), which is said to feature a little girl being beat and raped by two men, before having her limbs chopped off with a machete, and her throat slit. There’s also claims of a video that shows him smashing two babies together until they’re utterly destroyed.
So, now you know, the 10 the sickest disturbing things you can find on the Deep Web. Our advice is to try to avoid these things and others like them at all costs.

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