A topic as important as 10 the sickest disturbing things you can find on the Deep Web clearly deserves a proper introduction to what this virtual space -where everything is said to be possible- really is. Most people don’t voluntarily try to access the Deep Web because they are either unaware of its existence, or terrified of what they heard they might find there. They do, however, access it involuntarily. You do too, every day in fact. Curious yet?
The first thing you need to know is that only 4% of the material on the World Wide Web is publicly available, while the other 96% remains hidden, and contains 7.9 zettabytes of information (that’s equivalent to 7357448339458.5 gigabytes, so you get an idea of its immensity). The diagram often used to represent this is that of an iceberg. The visible portion, with which we are familiar, is called “Surface Web”, and the part we don’t see is what’s referred to as the “Deep Web” (or “Invisible Web”), which has several different levels.

Copyright: saiyood / 123RF Stock Photo
The next question should be: what kind of material does the Deep Web contain? The answer is quite simple, the Deep Web encompasses all of the information and sources that can’t be found on the World Wide Web by regular search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, or Bing! These engines employ a software called “Crawlers”, which can only find catalogued data, but can’t access anything behind a paywall, CAPTCHAs, dynamically generated content (meaning it doesn’t possess a permanent URL), “4chan” domains, or whatever stands beyond a password. This brings me to what I said earlier about us all unknowingly accessing the Deep Web daily: when we log into our emails, transfer money, use bitcoin, upload a private Facebook photo, or illegally stream (even torrent) audiovisual material we are, in fact, making use of the Deep Web. Still, that’s only the portion of it that the Surface Web enables us to access; if you wish to go deeper, you’ll need to learn the ways of TOR.
The Onion Router (aka TOR) is a system developed to guarantee online anonymity, the name of which stands as a metaphor for the onion-like layers of safekeeping employed to conceal the user’s location and identity, eluding all monitoring activities. Its browser provides access to hidden websites, suffixed “.onion”, for a domain (instead of “.com”, “.org”, etc.) This is possible because Tor encrypts the data several times and casts it through a great number of networking nodes, rendering it virtually untraceable. This, however, makes it quite slow and tricky to handle; also the sites often go down, making it an inefficient tool for general browsing, although some people who just REALLY care about their privacy use it for such means.
In case my precarious description left you hanging before, here’s a more detailed explanation of how Tor’s routing works.
Unsurprisingly, The Onion Router actually began as a military development, sponsored by the US Naval Research Laboratory, and then, like all secrets, it spread. Mostly, it’s used for research, in order to obtain otherwise unavailable information, forbidden books, and questionable porn (yes, at this level the word is “questionable”, because it gets much, much worse); it is also a discrete mean of communication. Since sites here are hard to find, there are portals, such as The Hidden Wiki, that enlist several of them. When in one of them, the purchases happen through Bitcoin, to preserve the anonymity of both buyers and sellers. The Deep Web is, of course, Hackers’ paradise, which you can read about in our 11 Countries With Most Hackers and Cyber Criminals list. One thing I must clarify: neither Tor, nor navigating the Deep Web are illegal themselves, and there’s nothing wrong with a little curiosity; however, you should know this place is swamped with hardcore malware that will give you virtual viruses forever if you aren’t careful. Not to mention absolutely disturbing and illegal content.
In a way, this vast ocean of possibilities is in itself a manifest of freedom and independence in this day and age, where we are constantly surveilled through almost any electronic device that surrounds us. Doubtless, being able to move undetected is extremely useful when it comes to crossing the line just enough to achieve your non-harmful goals, but sailing the Deep Web waters is a dangerous endeavor; there’s a very terrible side to this world of possibilities as well, and you might accidentally stumble through the wrong door at any time. This is the horrible place you’ve heard about: the Dark Web, where being too curious might lead you to see things that will stick with you for the rest of your life. The Dark Web is often confused with the Deep Web, but it actually represents just a piece of it–the rotten core.
Even though the Deep Web is also used for noble means (such as journalists who live in strongly regulated countries being able to send and retrieve information), over half the activities that take place in the DWM (Dark Web Markets) are illicit, and a great deal of them, unbelievably inhuman. Here you can find virtually ANYTHING you can imagine. Want drugs? You’ve got them. Want a tiger? You’ve got it. Want to take out a hit on someone? Definitely. You can even buy “child spirits”, from abortions or miscarriages.
It is really the darkest place there is; it’s virtual hell, and its circles run deep. All the activities listed next will probably send you to jail, many for life or worse–and some of them will send you to hell for sure. Be careful now, what comes next is NOT for the faint-hearted (All information, content, and materials available on this site are for entertainment and general informational purposes only. Insider Monkey doesn’t endorse illegal activity and doesn’t accept any responsibility for your actions. Please read our Terms of Use and leave our site if you don’t agree with the terms and conditions of this agreement). If you think you can handle it click on Next to read about the 10 sickest disturbing things you can find on the Deep Web!