4. Join a focus group
Out of 10 second job ideas for full-time workers one of the interesting can be to join a focus group. Many companies would pay to know about your opinions, beliefs and shopping habits. It is usually the practice of the companies that are about to launch a new or improved product to collect consumer feedback about that product before they actually launch it. Focus group participants may be asked to go in person to a specific location or to participate in the online consumer group.
Here is a list of well-known market research companies that you could consider:
FocusGroup: For each successfully completed survey you would be paid between $75-$150.
MindSwarms: You can do surveys from home, but you would be requested to give the answers using a webcam. Surveys are usually about 20 minutes long bringing you $50 of additional income.
20/20 Panel: Surveys can be performed at the location or by online sessions. It may take you a few hours to finish your work, or it may spread over a few days, depending on the subject. You will receive from $50-$150 per focus session.
Because consumer focus groups pay pretty well, competition for getting the job can be harsh. In any case, most of the companies have a pre-screening phase you should count on.
