8. New York Hall of Science
Score: 15
The New York Hall of Science that ranks 8th on the list of science and STEM camps for kids in NYC has a pretty cool program set up for children, especially those that are interested in learning more about robotics.
The camp serves kids of different grades, divided into two groups – grades 3 and 4, and grades 5 and 6. The camp lasts for a week and has kids attending from 9 AM to 3 PM.
During this time, students will learn the basics of engineering, as well as how to design, build and program using creativity, logic and problem-solving skills. They will get to learn how to make their robots to move, react and make sounds by using a wide range of sensors and cool motors. At the end of camp, students will even get to put their robots through a competition.
The robotics camp costs $400, although the price drops to $375 if they’re a member of the NYSCI.

Willyam Bradberry/Shutterstock.com