Lists 10 Professions That Get Sued The Most Published on April 17, 2017 at 3:32 am by Amber Hewitt in Lists Share Tweet Email << PrevPage 8 of 11Next >>See All 4. Public servantsCorruption and betrayal of trust are the most common lawsuits that government officials have to face.Iakov Filimonov/ Share Tweet Email << PrevPage 8 of 11Next >>See All SlideshowList XFinancewhy chefs get sueddo lawyers get suedwhy nurses get suedwhy lawyers get sueddo accountants get suedwhy physicians get suedmost sued professionalswhy accountants get suedwhy public servants get suedwhy plastic surgeons get sueddoctors that get sued the mostcommon charges against doctorswhy anesthesiologists get suedwhy real estate agents get suedwhich doctors get sued the mostcommon charges against realtorsoccupations that get sued the mostcommon lawsuits against professionals10 professions that get sued the mostmedical malpractice rates by specialtywhy obstetrician-gynecologists get suedShow more...Show less Related Insider Monkey Articles10 Best Prank Call Youtube Channels10 Best Selling Products on Facebook13 Best Karaoke Songs to Impress a Girl6 Tips for Using Someone Else's ID to Get Into a Bar10 Safest Brooklyn Neighborhoods for Families18 Fun Problem Solving Activities for Preschoolers