If you are looking for a job, but for some reasons you are not able to devote yourself full-time, we bring you the list of 10 part-time jobs that pay $20 an hour.
Many people are in need for part-time jobs, and the reasons for that are numerous. Sometimes, due to some health conditions or other issues they are not able to spend regular hours at work, and there are also many students who are in need of additional money, but they want to attend the lectures as well. However, many high school students and teenagers would also like to work and earn additional money, in which case we highly recommend the list of 12 Highest Paying Part-Time Jobs for 18-Year-Olds. Having a part-time job is an excellent idea anyway, since it allows you organize your other obligations, and also brings you money so that you don’t depend on anyone.

In order to come up with the best solutions regarding the part-time jobs that are suitable for you, we went across some of our previous Insider Monkey lists, since we talked a lot about this issue. Additionally, we checked the websites such as the Job Network and Trade-Schools just to get some more ideas. Overall, the list we ended up with is created by combining all of the previously mentioned sources and our own ideas after checking the average hourly salaries. We included both; those jobs that you may do from the comfort of your home and those jobs outside of it, but made sure that each of them is paid around $20 per an hour.
So, if you are in need of a part-time job, but you don’t want to be poorly paid and exploited, the list of 10 part-time jobs that pay $20 an hour offers something for everyone.
10. Photography
If you have a digital camera and if you have an artistic eye, or you are simply good at editing photos instead of just taking them, start thinking about this option for a part-time job. You may offer your services at weddings, birthday parties or other events that require a good photographer.

Jan-Jacob Luijendijk/Shutterstock.com