10 Most Successful Pirates in History

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7. Blackbeard

Mentions – 6

Wealth – 1 ($12.5 million)

Total – 7 points

We are continuing our list of most successful pirates in history with Edward Teach, who is an English pirate born around 1680. While this name may sound a bell or two, it’s his alias that made him famous – Blackbeard. His favorite areas to plunder were the waters around the West Indies and the eastern coast of the American colonies. He started out as a sailor before ending up under Captain Benjamin Hornigold’s command whom he sailed with until 1717 when Hornigold is said to have retired. Teach continued on the piracy journey, taking ship after ship and becoming one of the most feared names of the time.

His plunders were definitely fruitful since his wealth reached an estimated $12.5 million by the time of his death.

10 Most Successful Pirates in History

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