10 Most Successful Pirates in History

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10. Henry Avery

Mentions – 5

Wealth – 0 points (unknown)

Total – 5

Henry Avery (also Evory, or Every) lived somewhere in late 1600. Since data keeping at the time is rusty at best, we’re just going to take the ones we’re being offered by various online sources. The English-born pirate operated in the Atlantic and the Indian oceans, looting left and right under various nicknames, including Benjamin Bridgeman and Long Ben.

What made Avery stand out? Well, it must be the fact that he managed to retire without getting killed or imprisoned, which means he left his fleet behind with quite some money in his pockets. It is also said that he only activated as a pirate for a couple of years, but his skills brought him quite a bit of fame.

10 Most Successful Pirates in History

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