3. Mark Zuckerberg
Company – Facebook (co-founder)
2016 earnings – $ 16.8 billion
Wealth increase – 50.2%
The third place on our list of 10 most successful entrepreneurs of 2016 is reserved for the famous and well-known internet magnate Mark Zuckerberg, the first man of Facebook, a young prodigy that launched this social network in 2004 when he was just 19. After sophomore year, he dropped Harvard and dedicated himself to building the company that today worths more than $350 billion. To all appearances, this was an intelligent risk to take, for he increased his wealth more than 50% in 2016, due to billions from mobile ad sales, the introduction of Facebook Live, which enables streaming of live videos and appearance of virtual reality headsets. He made the World more transparent, open and connected by giving the voice to millions to be heard; and like that is not enough, along with his wife Priscilla promised to give away 99% of his Facebook shares for humanitarian purposes, starting with $3 billion to be spent over the next 10 years for the treatment, cure, and prevention of all diseases.

Frederic Legrand – COMEO / Shutterstock.com