10 Most Sexually Diseased States in America

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8. Oklahoma

Chlamydia: 542,2

Gonorrhea: 168,7

Primary and secondary syphilis: 5,4

At number eight on our list of most sexually diseased states in America we have Oklahoma that is ranked 5th among 50 states in gonorrheal and 10th in chlamydial infections. This state ranks 21st in rates of primary and secondary syphilis (along with 15 cases of congenital syphilis) and 27th in HIV infections with 319 persons diagnosed with HIV in 2015. It is also important to know that 1 out of 7 people with the HIV infection  in the USA do not know that they are infected. If we take this into consideration (as well as the fact that some STDs do not always have visible symptoms) it means that these numbers (which are already high) might be even higher.

10 Most Sexually Diseased States in America

Marina Svetlova/Shutterstock.com

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