Interested to know which are the most sexually active colleges in India? Let’s find out!
In general, colleges are the places that are easily associated with sex. There are two reasons why. First, it is a place for youth and secondly, parents are not allowed. Two reasons to make you feel free to do whatever, wherever and whenever you want. And I think we are all adult enough to be aware of what can happen when you are on the college party. Let’s just say, they are not very “innocent” gatherings. Not to go too far with these, I wouldn’t claim every college is the same. According to some student remarks, some of them are highly sexually active, while others feel like they are still in the primary school. Opinions differ due to individual perception. Earlier we wrote about most sexually active colleges in 2017, but only for the US (which is, by the way, the most famous when it comes to sexually active colleges). On the contrary, one of the worst colleges to get laid, with a connotation of most kinky ones, is the University of Georgia, according to some sources. As for the least sexually active colleges, we assumed that those could be colleges with the lowest STD rates. By that logic, the top three are Oregon State University, Boise State University, and Florida Atlantic University.
However, let’s see what’s happening in other countries. For example, in the UK, the most sexually active universities are the University of Leeds and Southampton Solent University. Moreover, London is in the top three most sexually active cities in the world. On the contrary, least sexually active colleges are the University of Aberdeen with 7.04 average partners and Liverpool Hope University with 7.00 average partners. Not that little, I must say!
So, we checked the USA, Europe and now let’s shift to Asia. Which are the top sexually active colleges in India? Before we start, we must admit that this information is extremely hard to find, especially for this country. Results of studies dealing with this topic are hard to reach. With the lack of information, we had to think of some other way to get around and make our list. So, we checked how sexually liberal India’s cities are. We also covered this topic in 10 Most Sexually Active Cities in India. Then, for each city, we checked the biggest university with the highest percentage of students and made presumptions according to some Google searches, as you will see later on the list. There were many sources such as Times of India, Guttmacher, Quora, to name a few. You probably expected to see best colleges to get laid in India on our list of most sexually active colleges in India, but that information you would have to get on your own. But, you can use our list as a starting point. Now, let’s check out our list of most sexually liberal cities in India!
10. Calcutta University
In Calcutta sexual activity is estimated at 36%. Moreover, near the university, there are many sex counseling centers and in the area nearby also a red light district under the name Sonagachi.

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9. Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya University
On the 9th place of the most sexually active colleges in India is Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya. This city has 36.6% of sexually active people including college students. Also, the city has a lot of problems with sexually transmitted diseases and consequently lots of centers that deal with it.

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8. Noida International University
Noida is one of the most sexual cities in India with 37.1% of sexually active people. However, its most sexually active college, Noida International University, has bad sexual reputation, as well. You can read more about it here.
7. University of Lucknow
Lucknow has 37.4% of sexually active people. Moreover, students from Lucknow University were interviewed about their opinion on the sex before marriage. If you are interested in their answers, check it out here.

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6. Patna University
Patna University is especially interesting as the girls there outnumber the boys, major time. Also, while searching for it, many “adult” websites came out. Patna as a city has 37.6% of sexually active people.

Stuart Jenner/
5. Bangalore University
On the fifth place of the most sexually active colleges in India is Bangalore University. There were some scandals when four professors accused the head of the department of sexual harassment. The city itself has 38.0% of sexually active people.

4. Kochi University of Technology
Kochi (city) has 38.0% sexually active people. Moreover, its most sexually active university is the Kochi University of Technology. The whole educational department in the city, and probably in the country, was for the idea of introducing sex education in curricula.

Copyright: marchsirawit / 123RF Stock Photo
3. Gujarat University
Third on our list is Gujarat university that is often associated with nearby sexual workers. Consequently, this university got its own reputation. Also, Ahmedabad is known as one of the most erotic cities in India, while the percentage of people that are sexually active is 38.8%.

2. University of Hyderabad
Hyderabad University is often related to some sex scandals. Moreover, the whole city has 41% of sexually active people, which makes it second on the list of the most sexually active cities in India.

1. Maharashtra University
On the top of our list of the most sexually active colleges in India is Maharashtra college in Mumbai. According to some sources, Maharashtra students would more often have casual sex with friends, classmates or neighbors and relatives rather than with commercial sex workers. The city’s sexual activity is approximated to be 42.3%.
