If your dream is all about becoming a doctor, one day, when you’ll be an adult, you’ll want to check out our list of most respected medical specialties among doctors, to make sure you choose the right specialty in which you’ll thrive and be recognized.
Being a doctor, is now, a distant dream for you. You still must go through your high school, universities degrees or just your residency. Wherever you’re at in your education, it’s always good to think about what kind of doctor you want to be. Do you see yourself as a surgeon, operating on patients for hours to end? As a private practitioner, where you learn to know everything about your patients? As a pediatrician?
There are many specialties to choose from in the health industry and while wanting to be a doctor is nice, knowing what kind you want to practice is best as it will help you go through the worst of your studying and residency years. Know that there are some silver linings though: first, say you’re a doctor at a party and you’ll become the center of the attention for a while; second, this profession, as a whole, pays well. If you want to know how much money you can make by specialty, check our article about the 20 Medical Specialties that Make the Most Money.
On top of making enough money to be able to repay your student debt and still afford to live, it is nice to know that medical specialists are well respected, in general. Doctors do tend to respect the professional opinion of other doctors but there are some medical specialties that they will regard with higher respect – even though they make fun of each other most of the time behind each other’s back. And of course, they consider their own specialty as being the best there is. But some specialties rank higher on the respect scale than others.
In order to reveal to you what medical specialties rank best among doctors, we read various studies about med students specialties’ choices, about medical prestige specialties on National Library of Medicine and about doctor’s lifestyles in general on MedScape. We even checked on Quora and medical forums to see what they had to say on the subject.
By the way, there is apparently an R.O.A.D. where doctors can have a fulfilling job, be respected and still have a life (The R.O.A.D. explained: Radiology, Ophthalmology, Anesthesia and Dermatology). And all four specialties rank fairly high in our own listing.
So, if you’re ready to discover which are the most respected medical specialties among doctors, read on!