This article presents an overview of the 10 Most Produced Foods in the World. For a more detailed coverage click 25 Most Produced Foods in the World.
Annual Per Capita Production in 2022: 25.4 kg
Approximately 450 million Africans rely heavily on the South American root vegetable cassava for sustenance. Nigeria was the world’s largest cassava producer in 2019, with a harvest of more than 59 million metric tons. In contrast to other food staples, cassava can thrive in situations that would kill off other root crops.
Seed Cotton
Annual Per Capita Production in 2022: 87.3 kg
Cottonseed is used for numerous things, including oil production and animal feed. India generated over 6 million metric tons in 2020, making it the world leader in seed cotton production. In first half of 2023, international value of cottonseed increased from 110 to 114 cents per pound.
Annual Per Capita Production in 2022: 89.7 kg
It is easy to forget that the Aztecs and Mayans were the first to plant tomatoes because of how strongly we link them with Italian cuisine. Current global output surpasses 170 million tons, with the United States, China, and India serving as the top three producers.
Eggs, Hen
Annual Per Capita Production in 2022: 225.4 kg
In the last 3 decades, egg and hen production has increased by over 150%. In 2019, China produced more than 661.79 billion eggs, making it the world’s top producer by a wide margin.
Annual Per Capita Production in 2022: 26.4 kg
The earliest known sugarcane cultivation goes back more than 10,000 years to New Guinea. Brazil is considered the world’s largest producer of sugarcane, producing around 655 million tons of the crop every year.
Annual Per Capita Production in 2022: 76.5 kg
Chinese gathered the first cultivated rice around 9,400 years ago. Rice is crucial since it feeds more than half of the world’s population. The three major rice-producing countries are China, India, and Indonesia, which produce more than 60% of the world’s rice. Rice comes in many kinds, each with its unique taste and feel. Some common types are long-grain, medium-grain, and short-grain rice. Long-grain rice is liked in the USA, and people use it for dishes like pilafs, stir-fries, and salads. Medium-grain rice is a bit less sticky and is suitable for sushi and risotto. Short-grain rice is the most humid and is used in sweet treats and puddings. India’s export ban has lowered global rice trade forecasts for 2023 and 2024.
Milk, Cow
Annual Per Capita Production in 2022: 108.6 kg
All around the globe, you may find cow’s milk in everything from cappuccinos to cheese. The United States, India, and Brazil are the world’s top three milk producers. A cow that gives milk is essential in our world’s food system. People of all ages can enjoy the healthy food it provides us. Total milk production in 2022 increased by less than 1%, as cow numbers were slightly lower than 2021 and milk production per cow grew slowly.
3. Oil Palm Fruit
Annual Per Capita Production in 2022: 118 kg
Palm oil production has grown a lot in the last 50 years. In 1970, the world made just 2 million tons of it. By 2022, the global palm oil market was worth $65.08 billion, and it’s predicted to reach about $107.53 billion by 2032. This means it’s expected to keep growing at a rate of 5.2% from 2023 to 2032.
2. Wheat
Annual Per Capita Production in 2022: 162.3 kg
In 2019, India and China had a share of nearly 31% in global wheat production. More than 6,000 years after the ancient Egyptians first baked bread, wheat remains a vital crop throughout the globe. Wheat is used to make different foods like bread, pasta, and cakes. There are three main kinds of wheat: durum wheat, bread wheat, and spelled wheat. Durum wheat is usually used for making pasta and bread wheat for making bread. Spelled wheat is a healthier wheat that’s less common.
1. Corn
Annual Per Capita Production in 2022: 128.2 kg
Corn originally comes from North America, and people have been growing it for a long time. It is a unique crop since it can be used as food for both humans and animals. Corn is even turned into ethanol, which is better for the environment than regular fuels. In 2021, global total trade of corn was $52.3 billion. The USDA is projecting corn production of 15.27 billion bushels for the 2023/2024 marketing year, up from 13.73 billion bushels in 2022/2023. The increase is driven by a projected increase in planted acreage to 92 million acres and a trend yield of 181.5 bushels per acre.
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