10 Most Powerful Navy Ships in The World Today

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4. Kuznetsov-class

Two active ships in service, Admiral Kuznetsov in Russian Navy and Liaoning in PLA Navy:

The last Soviet carriers (the supercarrier Ulyanovsk was scrapped in 1991), the Kuznetsov-class, were classified as aircraft cruisers, in order to get around the Montreux Convention, which forbids aircraft carriers bigger than 15,000 tons to pass through Bosphorus. The Russian ship ranks 4th in our list of the most powerful navy ships in the world. It carries a mix of Su-33 and MiG-29K fighters, with plans for a full complement of 20 MiG-29Ks in the future. She also has a battery of 12 P-700 Granit (NATO code Shipwreck) anti-ship missiles. Despite a fairly recent refit in 2012, two fighters were lost during the Syrian operation, both caused by arrestor wires snapping on landing. The Kuznetsov is currently the only Russian aircraft carrier in service.

10 Most Powerful Navy Ships in The World Today

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