10 Most Powerful Navy Ships in The World Today

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6. America-class

One active ship in the United States Navy, up to 11 planned:

Built by Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc (NYSE:HII), the America-class represents the latest in amphibious assault ship technology. In any other navy, the America would be considered a full-blown carrier, due to its size and aircraft complement. It can carry up to 20 AV-8B Harrier II fighters, which will be replaced by either F-35Bs or V-22 Ospreys, depending on the mission. In addition, it can deliver 1,600 marines and their gear to any beach in the world. Future ships of this class (the Tripoli is under construction and the Bougainville under order) will have their hangar deck reduced in order to feature a well deck, for much quicker amphibious operations. No wonder it’s on our list of the most powerful navy ships in the world, right?

10 Most Powerful Navy Ships in The World Today

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