10 Most Popular Paintings on Etsy

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With this article, we chose to present 10 most popular paintings on Etsy out of the vibrant amount of original items. Etsy is broadly perceived as a lively platform for buying and selling original craft-work and vintage pieces. Its importance for artists, graphic designers, and illustrators eager for recognition and commercial success is widely acknowledged as well. On the website, you can take your pick among a number of different styles, sizes, motifs and color schemes.

The life of an artist usually comes with some considerable costs. Creativity and inspiration aren’t things that are waiting around every corner. When the artists finally find inspiration worth of exploring and embed it into a genuine work of art, they have to make a living out of it.

This is not always easily within their reach.

10 Most Popular Paintings on Etsy


The traditional way of selling works of art presumes going from a gallery to a gallery or art dealer and hoping that some of them will appreciate the creation enough to take it into consideration. This is a difficult river to cross. When a young or less renowned artist crosses that river, the vast plain remains to be crossed as well. Would the particular gallery have customer base interested in their art? Eventually, when this obstacle is conquered too, the reward might not be as glorious as one might expect. The gallery takes its cut. Usually a big one.

Artists are specific crowd not really interested in specializing in commercial activities. Since the appearance of Etsy, a large number of the audience can be reached with great ease, so the hardship of marketing and selling art and crafts for artistic souls has been significantly reduced. Anybody can make good money out of selling on this platform without being a marketing genius or selling expert. You can read in our article 10 Most Successful Etsy Shops in 2015 how thriving your business can really become when you are present on Etsy. You can make a great deal even if you are on the buying side. The vast selection from self-representing artists gives a possibility to individuals who enjoy art to build their art collection without spending a fortune on it. Now you can own meaningful works of art that aren’t mass-produced regardless whether you decide to purchase a print of the original or original painting.

From over 452 thousand pieces available in section Paintings on Etsy, first 250 have been reviewed in order to compose this list. Final ranking has been made according to the number of users who have favored each painting. In order to be fair in the systematization of this list, we have chosen only organic results. Paintings which were advertised on any of the search result pages were not taken into consideration. And here it is – 10 most popular paintings on Etsy.

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